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Annual Memorial Day Weekend Camping Trip

June 3, 2010

This past weekend was our 5th consecutive camping trip up to Marmon Valley Farm (a Christian horse camp) near Zanesfield, Ohio. It seems to always be a hot weekend, and this year was no exception. For those who don’t know the history, Jeff proposed to me at Marmon Valley in October 2005, during our first camping trip together and with our good friends, Ryan and Kyna. In fact, Ryan and Kyna met and fell in love when they were both on staff at Marmon Valley. It’s quite the romantic spot. :)

We have fallen into an easy rhythm on these trips: lots of chatter and laughter around the campfire, shared meals cooked over the open flame, roasted marshmallows, many board games played, quiet reading, walks around the campground, and visits with the farm animals.

This year’s statistics were 7 adults, 4 tents, 3 dogs, 2 nights, 1 baby, and countless board games. Three more were originally going to join our number, but things didn’t work out. It was a first for the baby and three dogs—Keiko had been the lone canine on previous trips. Everyone did really well! Baby Ivy was a great camper and the dogs had all meet previously and got along great.

The biggest surprise was actually our dog #2, Mochi. We took her and Keiko down to the barn to see the other animals and she was terrified of everything (except the cats). The centuries-old cow, the horse, the donkey, the llamas, the goats, the pigs, the chickens, the BABY CHICKS. The only animals she mustered the courage to approach were the deer. Maybe because she watched Keiko approach the fence and scare them all away? She approached slowly and made a quick getaway back to the safety of the road a couple times, but she did make it all the way to fence to have a closer sniff. Guess she wouldn’t make a very good sheep herder!

And now, a few picture highlights after the break…

Keiko getting her oxygen fix on the drive up

A terrific camper at just 7 months old

A good snapshot of the weekend: baby, dogs, board games, and shade

Did I mention our group likes board games? Especially THIS board game?

Mochi really thinks she's a small lap dog when she actually weighs 60 lbs.

"Hello, I just met you and I love you!" Mochi is friends with every human.

Did I mention we're hardcore for board games?



More board games, more sleepy dogs

Where Keiko spent most of the weekend

Our camp site

Great friends, great times!

2 dogs + camping equipment = 1 very full car

It was a hot, humid weekend! We stopped for cold slushies on the way home at the first available spot.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. jaimieteekell permalink
    June 3, 2010 5:38 pm

    Haha, love that last picture. Camping looks like such a fun thing to do. I’ve never gone, but I know I’m the type. I love having a slower pace and fasting from the internet.

  2. June 3, 2010 7:40 pm

    FUN TIMES!! I miss all that grass… :)

What are you thinking?