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Thankful Thursday, Week 1

November 4, 2010

Many people around the blogosphere participate in “Thankful Thursday”—a weekly reminder to count your blessings not just at Thanksgiving time. Well, thanks in part to my mom, each day in November leading up to Thanksgiving Day I’m going to be focusing on a different thing I am thankful for. I’ll be posting an update of these daily thanks each Thursday.

I would love it if you participated, too, either on your own blog (let me know and I’ll link to you) or here in the comments. Even when hard times come, we can always find something to be thankful for. In fact, I find that it is during those difficult times that it is most important.

My real-life friend, Cindy, is doing a Gratitude Project on her blog this month. I encourage you to visit and, if you wish, play along there.

Day 1: My good health
Lately it seems I’m hearing more and more stories of cancer or unexpected death or disease all around me. And it’s not just older people, but people near my own age. I do not want to take my good health for granted. It’s a blessing from God, and today I’m focusing on being a good caretaker of the body and health He’s given me.

Day 2: My country
Today is election day. While I grow tired of politicking and mudslinging and polarizing arguments, I’m forcing myself to focus on the positives: the freedom to vote without fear of harassment or retribution is indeed a gift and privilege. I am mostly proud to be an American.

Day 3: My husband
It might sound expected or even cliche to say I am thankful for my husband, but it’s true nonetheless. I’m thankful God has given us a strong marriage, equally yoked. I have many single friends who’d rather not be single, and not everyone who is married can say they have a strong marriage. Jeff shows me patience and grace despite my many failings as a wife and human being. He’s smart and funny and fun to be with. He’s willing to compromise when we don’t see eye to eye. He begged me for a dog until I gave in. He works hard to provide for us. I am extremely thankful for the person he is.

Day 4: My different families
Each time I’ve moved to a different place, God has provided a new family of friends to surround me. In college I had a few different groups of good friends, but one actually earned the nickname of family: my Soccer Family. When I moved to Cincinnati after graduation, the church we eventually settled on didn’t have members per say, but you can become “family.” And FBC really does feel like our family, especially our small group and a couple we call Mommer and Popper. Then there are actual blood families, like the H’s, that have always welcomed me (and now Jeff) as if I were one of them.

Of course, there are our own blood families. My family is not traditionally close for different reasons, but I have fabulous parents and siblings who care about me. When I married Jeff, I gained another family. It is a unique and wonderful feeling to join another family who welcomes you with open arms and whom you can call your own.

6 Comments leave one →
  1. Marsha Markas permalink
    November 4, 2010 3:27 pm

    You reminded me that I forgot to be thankful each day this month…! ha

  2. Rae permalink
    November 4, 2010 3:56 pm

    I’m thankful for your blog so I get to see and hear what you and Jeff are up to. It’s great to keep in touch this way!

  3. November 4, 2010 5:09 pm

    love them! :) i may just copy-paste.. haha

  4. November 4, 2010 10:02 pm

    Great things! We’re doing a gratitude tree- each night we’ll write down somthing we’re grateful for on a piece of paper, and hang it on the tree. I’m excited to see it fill up by the end of the month.

  5. Annetta permalink
    November 5, 2010 12:25 pm

    Thankful for people like you…who like to write! The better for all of us “non-writers” ….who like to Read!!

  6. November 5, 2010 1:38 pm

    This is a great idea! I’m looking forward to reading your updates about this every week. :)

    I’m so thankful I started following your blog!

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